Healing In Nature

Healing In Nature
There Is A Season For Everything

Monday, February 10, 2014

Birding In Wisconsin's Harsh Winter

Lots of Action and Color 

Lots of action and color to keep us entertained with many  bird feeders.

With -20 below 0 degrees, snow, ice storms coming through weekly it is important to provide wild areas. Trees, shrubs, Sumac, growing close by to feeders give wildlife not only food, shelter from the winds but also from the wild hawks and predators such as the wild cat that roams our property the past two years.
Not knowing if the cat is a pet or something a city folk threw away last summer.  He was a kitten half grown, now a full grown Tom Cat.  He seems to be a survivor in all that nature throws at him during the winter months.  Way too wild to approach and wise enough not to be caught by other means.  He also visits our barn when we are up to the house and fills up with our barn cat's food.  We have learnt to accept him as part of providence here in our Nature Within.  

We planted an assortment of Pine, Spruce and other evergreens when we first purchased our property.
They too along with seeded out gardens, grasses, and wild areas some might call weedy have given the bird population and deer help in surviving while giving us entrainment.  It gets groomed back come spring. 

Scraping off snow and ice on tray, before filling with Sunflowers
Dick loves Wisconsin Cold and does not mind going out
to keep up with the fast disappearing, fresh feed for the birds.

Metal net feeder draws woodpeckers and Nuthatches,
Chickadees that like to hang on the side while
pulling out seeds.

Keeping This Small Feeder Full 

 This Large Feeder  Needs Filling Every Other Day

Metal Net Feeder Draws Woodpeckers Who Cling To Its Sides
Thistle Feeder Brings Finches Besides Numerous Types of Sparrows
Heated Birdbath Needs Fresh Water Besides Cleaning.

Hawks will swoop in at any time checking for inattentive birds in the area.  The picture of the downy woodpecker and the chickadee  are making a quick escape.  Because we have huge windows the size of a double sliding glass door sometimes they hit the glass.  They sometimes die but more often are only stunned.  Our Airedale barks and howls when he sees them on the deck and we gently gather the bird up into our hand and place it in a cardboard box with a soft terry towel in it.  Preventing it from dieing from the cold while it recuperates which takes about a half hour to an hour.

One day after a hawk attack we found a little downy wood pecker lying on the snow covered deck and brought it in.  Its wing looked broken or twisted.  Knowing nothing about fixing a wing we called our vet who told us to contact the DNR and they referred us to Marty Thompson who is a member of Wanakia Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Center.  She said we should bring it to her (she lived an hour drive from us) in Richfield, Wi.  She looked the little bird over and said she thought it was not broken but sprained and thought they could help it.  Her web sight is wanakia.mysite.com and telephone 414-803-0388  They are a fantastic group that help rehabilitate wild life and let them go again.

Some days are ordinary like the little chickadee flitting in and out of our view.  The cardinals start showing up around dusk at our feeders.  They are very flighty and seem to wait until the other birds have left for their evening perches.  It is such a welcome sight against the graying sky seeing their bright red at our feeder.
     Deer also start about the same time to show up.  Our doe who has only three legs is again here.  This time she has no yearlings with her.  She is usually with another doe or alone.  She gives me strength and hope just seeing her.  I feel warm and happy that she missed another season of hunting not all that long ago.  This is the third winter  She puts her one front foot ahead of her and then balancing does a funny hop to bring her hind feet up with her next step.  She can even do a hobbling run if fear warns her there is danger.

This pictures shows the three legged deer.  If you look closely
there is only a rough patch where her leg should be.  She most
likely got shot there and survived it all and continues to live,
the third winter we have seen her.  Here she is in the woods
but often she is up in my gardens by the house forging for food.
2 Samuel 22: 7-37
"God is my strength and power,
And He makes my way pefect
He makes my feet like the feet of deer,
And sets me on my high places.

You have also given me the shield of Salvation;
Your gentleness has made me great.
You enlarged my path under me;
So my feet did not slip."
(20) verse "He delivered me because He 
delighted in me."

Peace to you all
May your burdens lighten
May your tears dry 
Joy fill you everlasting

love and blessings from 


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