Healing In Nature

Healing In Nature
There Is A Season For Everything

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Wisconsin Parade of Nature Continues

Lake Winnebago South Shore
Last week we went to our son's 50th birthday at his lakeside home which includes waterfront on Lake Winnebago.  It was a peaceful sight and even before I went over to greet and hug my son I grabbed my Canon EOS Digital and headed for the shore!  The sunset was extravagant in displaying the mighty reflection of dusk greeting the mass water of Lake Winnebago.  The closing and beginning of my day evokes such energy and joy, it makes me ponder, celebrate that we have such a fanciful God that paints our sun sets and sun rises with the panorama only He can create.  Joy, Joy, Joy!

A calm sunrise greets us most days
 Even on common everyday wake ups here, it can still be breathtaking.  We lived on that very lake in the picture above for 18 years raising our five kids.  It was breathtaking most evenings with that gorgeous sunset.
         Here in our little hermitage we face East.  Our home is on a hill and our land runs down to be part of the valley which is what my eyes feast on in the morning.  This picture shows the pasture, and the 9 acre field we let a farmer use for planting and beyond is wild area that holds woods, wetland, a pond and breaks of meadow.

Both areas, the lake we lived on for 18 years,  and now our 26 years in the country have been a beautiful blessing. As I aged to the point my life is right now, I often reflect on the extravagant happenings, also, most days are sutler as the picture of a calm day break.

But each morning I awake and quickly look to the sky to see what kind of day it will be.  Sailors, not having news and weather to help them did the same.  Red in the morning the sailors warning, Red in the night is the Sailors delight.
Looking to the East early morning.

The month of June almost makes me forget there is a winter!!   Each day I discover a new bud of color peeking out of the lush green foliage.  Or there is a grand display of God's orchestra in full view.  

Spring Daises running wild.  I let them have their way, loving their river of Joy flowing through the gardens.  Afterwards they get pruned back and half removed to give room for other perennials coming.

Rosy Pink peonies are close by to share the scene.  

Another peonie is very full and demands lots of attention as I walk by each morning.  I never am without my camera to witness this rebirth of nature that surrounds me.

Bearded Iris are in full swing.  This one's name is Amazing Grace .
A very appropriate name for the delicate colors and the bright orange beard.

Columbine are not to be out done.
This is one of my favorite flowers that I search for each day until I discover it humbly fit in amongst the big show stoppers, like the peonies and the Iris

In the wilder areas we have Dames Rocket accent the Crazy Daises .
Chickens add color to the gardens besides eating lots of bugs and
then the added bonus --  large organic eggs.. emmmm so good in the morning!
Gracie is always good for a stunning surprise.  I thought she got her head caught in this flower pot that got set on a fountain we are getting ready to move to the rock garden.  I cried out, "Oh Gracie you poor thing!"  She promptly looked up and gazed at me with the mad look for disturbing her morning drink.  We do have fresh water in the  tack room for the  three cats every day, but for some reason the cats and chickens love to drink out of a puddle or as in this picture rain water in the flower pot.

Gracie is very old but with our good care, shots, good food, warm tack room
and being neutered she has blessed us with catching lots of vermin.

Believe it or not this is a peonie.  It made me smile when I saw it in its full bloom soaking up the morning sun.

This Iris has shown the Glory of its Creator!  The colors are stunning and
check out the fuzzy blue and yellow beard on the fall.  The ruffled edges and the
emphasizing  lines in the  -fall - as  in a waterfall.  I just love it!

The first Ornamental Lilies are open.  This year there is an over abundance of buds.
It is a smaller lily with a brown stripe on the outside.

How can I tell you there is a Loving God
I can show you His painting
I can express the joy in waking up to His Blessings
  I can carry Hope no matter what happens in my day.
I can share the miracles in my life, answered prayer, I can quote Scripture like Matthew 7:7-8  "Ask, and it will be given to you;  seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened."

But, the best thing I can do for you to see, hear, and experience is to sit quietly, ask Jesus Christ, to come in to the door of your heart, and wait........He will come!

  A God Hug to you all , artist unknown, it was emailed to me awhile back.
Blessings and Love to you all.

